You should stay indoors during this pandemic but if you cant but travel, you must look out for your safety. The UK government has mandated its citizens to stay at home. However, there are some tiers of the UK that allow you to travel abroad. The risk of travelling depends on how dense the aeroplane is and the health condition of those you are travelling with. The hygiene of the airline also matters. On the aeroplane, the virus can spread through respiratory droplets from other passengers who cough or sneeze. These droplets can infect anyone near them and the chances are higher because air is recirculated in the flight. Here are tips for travelling in the UK:
Use reputable travel agencies
During the course of your trip, you will have to fly, take rides and reside in hotels among places. For this purpose, you might be patronizing Go Groopie and a hotel among others. You should check hotels reviews and reviews of all the companies you intend to patronize to know which companies customers have stated keep their customers safe from the pandemic and those that don’t. You should patronize those that prioritize the safety of their customers as you …